Sunday, January 15, 2012

How do you do it

Not one day goes by when I don’t get the question “how do you do it”. Three kids, a house, a night job. How do you make it all work? Most of the time I’m at the store, with three kids, one is standing up in the basket, one is hiding in the clothing rack and the other is throwing a fit. I normally try to get up and get dressed and put makeup on before entering into the public, but by the time I load three kids, which is basically like organizing a bucket full of earth worms, I look like I just woke up. So I’m certain that those who see us at the store look at me and say, how do you do it, AKA. How are you not in the nuthouse! Sometimes I like to pretend that they say it as in, How do you do it, you are so put together and your children are so calm and well behaved, but then reality hits and we all know they say it out of pity! So lately I have been pondering the question , How do I do it. And this my friends is what I have come up with.
I do it with lots of unfolded clothes and unmopped floors, We are seldom ever organized and things don’t always get done in a timely manner. Bills don’t always get paid on time, and the yard is not always mowed. There is rarely a time when the sink is dish free and I can’t tell you the last time my house has been fully dusted. I have fingerprints on my glass and cheerios and chicken nuggets in the floorboard of my car. My Christmas Decorations are still up and they may be up until June, and I may just leave them up until next Christmas. It is hectic and the time passes very quickly. That’s the stuff you may see daily if you were to stop by at any given time, but with all the dirty details comes the fun stuff.
I do it with giggles and tickles, with I love you and sweet little kisses. Its dress up and make believe. Its funny knock knock jokes and story time. The bubble baths and splashing around in the tub. Rewards for good behavior. The pride in learning to read and write. Cuddles on the couch while enjoying a favorite show, you have memorized. Singing songs in the car on our trips to Sonic. Good night Mouse and soft warm jammies. The programs at school and the birthday parties for friends. Its knowing that they are growing everyday and the handprints on the glass will be bigger tomorrow. Its enjoying the special moments everyday and not getting swallowed up by the big problems of the world.
Though I may in fact end up in the nuthouse for today I will enjoy all the blessing that God has given me with being able to be just one simple mom.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Imagine that

I have always been very fascinated by the imagination of children. They can sit with nothing and imagine an entirely different world. It always makes me giggle when they put their dolls or stuffed animals in time out. It’s sort of a reflection on how I’m doing as a parent. For example when Landry was about two he got a big Elmo doll for Christmas and he carried that thing everywhere. At first he would cuddle and kiss Elmo and tuck him in a night but as the terrible twos hit full force, we began to notice that Elmo was spending a considerable about of time in the corner. And he would get swats every few minutes and Landry was constantly telling Elmo NO NO, you want my spank you! At that point we realized maybe we were giving a little too much discipline for a two year old. But the thing that really gets me is imaginary friends. Most kids have them, even I had one named Peaches. She was always messing up my room or getting into things I was supposed to get into, she was my scape goat. My kids however take imaginary friends to a whole new level. Anyone who knows us knows of Landry’s best friend WOOEEE! Now Wooee has been around for about 3 years, and he is a boy with blue colored skin who lives in California, he has a mom and dad and some siblings. Wooee has been everywhere with us, through every move, every vacation, every doctors visit. At one point Landry even insisted we put the extra booster seat in the car so Wooee can be safe. Every time we got in he would buckle Wooee in first and then himself. Wooee's dad plays for the Dallas Mavericks and his name is Dirk, but he sleeps outside in the dog house because he has little bugs that live on him and every time he scratches those little bugs stink sooo bad! So Wooee’s mom kicked him out of the house at night! Now Wooee’s mom, whom I don’t think has a name at the current time, we will call her Mrs.N, has had at least 10 babies that I know of. It seems that every time someone close to us gets pregnant and has a baby, well guess what so does Mrs.N. Poor Wooee, as if it’s not enough to live in his crazy family ,the poor kid is always getting hurt, he falls off his bike, he falls off the bed, he gets beat up at school and one time he got hit by a car and they had to rush him to the dr. His eyeball fell out and the drs accidently sewed it back in backwards. I am also fairly certain that he might have a hook on one hand and at least one wooden peg leg. I Could literally write a book on nothing but the adventures of Wooee. We also have Harvey, but he’s a fairly boring boy who doesn’t do or say much. But he seems to be around most of the time.
Libby has a friend as well and her name is sontagone. Let me help you out.... SONE-ta-GONE. No I have no idea how she came up with this name. It is not on any show that we have ever watched that I know of.
Sontagone is a beautiful, magical bird, who flies around town singing a lovely bird song and sitting with her friends on the power lines. Libby’s relationship with Sontagone is a little different then Landry and Wooee. She does not go anywhere with us, Libby goes everywhere with her. Example, Libby what did you do today? Libby, I went to a beautiful castle to visit my friend Sontagone. ME: Libby where are you? Libby: I am at work with my friend Sontagone. All day it’s my Friend Sontagone and I did this, went here, met so and so! All of the imagination friends have one thing in common, no matter what toy comes on T.V., they all have it! And my kids want it and I am mean because I won’t let them get it.
I used to believe that I was just a simple mom of three but as luck would have it I am actually raising lots of kids some of them you just can’t see.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Where did the year go???

2012......Where did last year go? I really thought I just started a blog and today I realized it has been a year since I have posted anything!! This year for us has been a whirlwind to say the least. Sooo lets have a quick replay. Landry started Kindergarten!! WOW! He really has no use for it and insist on reminding me every chance he gets. Libby started preschool and loves it but really feels like she should be in kindergarten! Lincoln is EVERYWHERE now. Into EVERYTHING! All the children have celebrated big milestones. Landry turned 5, which is a huge deal when your 4! Libby is potty trained, which is a really big deal when your a mom! And Lincoln made it to his first birthday, which is a really really big deal when you are the third child! Keith and I still struggle daily with how 2 parents are supposed to manage 3 children. My day has changed only slightly, I still clean and clean and feed and launder and clean. But now we spend alot of time in the car running from one school event to the next.

I have been resting today, doing a lot of nothing. I thought that I would take the first day of the new year easy because the next 364 days will be sheer madness. But here is my New Years resolutions....

I will lose 30 pds

I will organize and clean out my house, so that it actually looks like it does in my head.

I will be a perfect mom and the perfect wife.

I will win the lottery!

Ok who am I kidding?

I will win the lottery,get liposuction, bulldoze my house and buy a new one, hire a nanny and buy Keith a boat,then I will be the perfect mom and wife!
there thats better!
But for today.... I will sit here and enjoy the life of one simple mom!
Happy New years!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just the life of one simple mom: This is a test it is only a test!

Just the life of one simple mom: This is a test it is only a test!: "The other night at Moms group we were discussing different methods of discipline for our unruly children. Two of the moms were talking abou..."

This is a test it is only a test!

The other night at Moms group we were discussing different methods of discipline for our unruly children. Two of the moms were talking about how some man had come up with a book on how to go about raising kiddos without having to beat them daily. As my ADD got in the way, I was drifting in and out of the conversation, but one thing I did pick up was the theory of treating your child as you would treat your neighbor. Basically, would you ever talk to your neighbor the way that you talk to your children? WHAT? There is no way I would ever talk to my neighbor the way I talk to my children. This statement for some reason really bothered me. It just kept nagging at me. So I decided to test it out. I figured I would start small and try it on the easiest of the three kids. So Libby got to be the guinea pig. Basically Landry only knows his name if you yell it and I’m not sure if Lincoln even knows he has a name yet! So the middle child it was! So yesterday was the test day. Good morning Libby, how are you this morning? In her sweetest voice she says “hi mommy I love you”. Ok this was going good so far! As the morning went on I continued to give my best to my new “Neighbor”, and things were running smooth, and just as I was beginning to have hope, Libby says Mommy and as I turn around she spits chocolate milk all over my face and then burst out laughing. My thoughts………You are soooo lucky you are my child and not my neighbor! So theory one, FAIL!!! At that point it occurred to me, the reason I don’t talk to my kids the same as my neighbor is because THEY ARE KIDS!!! And they are mine. My neighbor would never jump on the couch, or spit milk in my face. They would never back talk me or argue about the color of a sock. And if they did, I would absolutely take out my wooden spoon! And really, how many times have you had neighbors who after living next to them for just a short time you think to yourself, their mama should have beat them more when they were kids!! So as one simple mom I will continue to search for a better method!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mom... Superstar..

Being a mom certainly isn’t a glamorous job, unless you happen to be a movie star! I very rarely have clothes on that don’t have some sort of bodily fluid on it, and the dark circles under my eyes don’t exactly scream sexy! But all in all I love my velour sweat suit and I always wear it proudly. Lately I have decided to start a moms group. A fun meeting where moms can be comfortable, and child free, to discuss being a mom. I wanted to provide information that would be helpful to all moms not just stay at home moms. So I went to the church and asked and they ran with it. Last night was the first meeting and I have to say it was Amazing! So many people showed up to help out and although thanks to factors outside my control, there wasn’t just a ton of moms there; the meeting was more than I ever thought it would be. The Devotional given by our pastor gave me chills and the fellowship was so great. I left last night just pumped up. I felt such a since of pride. I may just be a simple mom but I felt like a superstar! This is going to work. This is going to be a group that is going to grow and be established! I was so giddy I couldn’t even sleep. I was thinking and planning and plotting and scheming. This could be soo big. I felt renewed. At 2 am when I had only been asleep for an hour and the baby woke up to feed, I jumped out of bed with a smile on my face. Don’t worry baby here comes supermom to the rescue. At 6 I brought him to the bed to lay with me and cuddle. I fell asleep and just as I was at my photo shoot for People magazine, I was awaken back to reality, as my three month old threw up all over the side of my face and all in my ear. Good morning! And now it’s just another day in the life of a simple mom!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Whos gonna read this anyway! Here we go!

My friend thought I should start a blog of my life! So here we go! Let’s just start out by getting to know me. I’m just one simple mom, with three super kids. I was born in the 80's, grew up in the 90's and I’m trying to raise this family in the 2000nds??(Not sure if that’s even right)? I didn’t always know that I wanted to be a mom but when I met Keith at 19, I knew I wanted his babies. So after 5 long years we tied the knot and began my family. 6 short years later we have Landry who is 4, he is my most challenging child, and he sees the world just a little different, which makes for the best stories! He is also my cuddle bug! Libby is 2 and she is very independent and smart. She talks as good as most 4 year olds. Her little attitude and personality makes me laugh. Then there Lincoln he is only 3mths old but is already following in his siblings footsteps. His sweet laugh melts my heart! But it’s not all hearts and butterflies as it may seem! Without all the boring details here is a rundown of one day of my life, I wake up at 5 to nurse, then again at 6 then again at 7 where I finally just give up and get in the shower! Then it’s up and at em! I have to DRAG Landry out of bed kicking and screaming wrestle him dressed, then its packing lunches out the door by 8 if we’re lucky, and the other 2 are hungry. Then it’s a constant cycle of cleaning up messes, laundry that never ends, dirty diapers, feedings, naps, time to pick up at the school, and then the cycle starts over. Finally its baths and bed well at least for Libby who actually enjoys sleeping! And in her own bed! The boys, well we will save that for another blog entry! I’m up at 2 to feed and the cycle once again continues! Most of the time I have no idea what the date is or the day! Life goes by fast around here so I just sit back and laugh! So welcome to the life of one simple mom!